Social aspects


Social Aspects

We offer exciting prospects

 As a top employer, DB recruits and retains qualified employees who are enthusiastic about working for the company and its customers.

We are determined that a company’s success means more than just economic performance. That’s why we want to strike a balance between economic, social and environmental pillars.

As a top employer, we want to be among the ten best in Germany. We also strive to achieve top positions outside Germany. We are already a top employer in many countries such as Poland,- and have set out to do all we can to maintain our position. This gives an idea of the aspirations of DB Cargo. Our social responsibility goes beyond being an attractive employer. We want to be a recognized member of society and express our commitment to society by supporting social projects.

Demographic change and growing demand for qualified employees make it clear how strategically important it is to recruit and retain employees for the future success of DB Cargo and the DB Group.

Demographic change and growing demand for qualified employees make it clear how strategically important it is to recruit and retain employees for the future success of DB Cargo and the DB Group.

 Employee retention

DB Cargo’s employees are its most important asset. We can only maintain our market success if we have motivated and qualified employees among our ranks. DB Cargo’s successful employee retention efforts are backed up by three key factors: high customer satisfaction, sustainable staff development and a strong corporate culture.

Strong, professional human resources management helps us retain employees over a long period of time. That’s why we work consistently to further improve employee satisfaction. We set clear satisfaction goals and regularly evaluate our progress using worldwide employee surveys.

We have made sustainable human resources development within the company a clear goal.We count on our employees’ qualifications and the systematic development of our experts and executives. Moreover, we aim to make the professional development of our employees even more flexible to better fit to their own individual professional and life phases.

In addition to successful human resources management initiatives, a strong corporate culture is a prerequisite for dedicated and satisfied employees, and thus the foundation for long-term success. The international nature of DB Cargo presents a challenge in that we must integrate a variety of cultures and create a common identity. To us, it is important that we create a culture in which employees from diverse backgrounds feel at home and work together to achieve our goals and visions.

 Employee recruitment

In addition to employee retention, professional human resources recruitment is an absolute necessity. DB Cargo has set out to build a reputation as one of the most attractive employers in the transportation and logistics industry. Achieving this aim is especially challenging in light of demographic change and the current “war for talent.” In addition to offering attractive training and graduate programs, DB Cargo must boost its activities for recruiting qualified and motivated employees. To do so, DB Cargo cooperates closely with universities and associations like Bundesvereinigung Logistik e.V., a logistics and supply chain management network.